SDQ: Normative SDQ Data from Italy

Parent SDQ data

Parent SDQs were completed on 1,917 children and young people aged 6-15 year olds attending schools in Northern Italy.

The details of the study are described in Tobia, V., & Marzocchi, G. M. (2017). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-Parents for Italian school-aged children: Psychometric properties and norms. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-017-0723-2

Parent SDQ: Sample means, standard deviations and percentiles, split by gender and age band.

Teacher SDQ data

Teacher SDQs were completed on 3,302 children and young people aged 3-15 year olds attending schools in the Milan area (excluding pupils with language problems, learning difficulties or poor school attendance).

The details of the study are described in Tobia, V., Gabriele, M.A., Marzocchi, G.M. (2011). Norme italiane dello Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): Il comportamento dei bambini italiani valutato dai loro insegnanti. Disturbi di attenzione e iperattività, 6, 167-174.

Teacher SDQ: Sample means and standard deviations, split by gender and age band.

Last modified : 17/05/11